Feeding Horses Hay
Alfalfa hay is often the preferred forage for horses because of its high quality, high digestibility, and good roughage value. Well-preserved alfalfa hay should be the foundation of feed for your horse. It can be the base for young horses, recreational horses, and active horses.
The neat thing about alfalfa hay bales is once opened they break apart in leafs. On average a horse can eat one leaf in the morning and one leaf in the evening. Often times, horse owners will add supplements along with the alfalfa hay.
Bermuda Grass
100 lbs.
Bermuda grass is light weight and pairs well with pellets. It is good for horses especially in the Arizona heat. Bermuda can be fed year round. Due to the rich amounts of protein in alfalfa it can be a good idea to mix in bermuda with their diet. This also helps regulate the amount of nitrogen content in the diet and intake.
Bermuda grass is baled the same way alfalfa is, but does not hold it's leafs as well as alfalfa. Similar feeding patterns can be followed when feeding Bermuda as opposed to alfalfa.